Monday, February 22, 2016

Tiny Spherical Worlds

 Composite images have to have more than one picture because it helps to see things that you might not see with only one picture. It also helps with techniques in different photos. The composite image has to have more pictures then just one because It makes the picture or image fuller than one image. Also one image is not enough but when you have multiple pictures it makes it more meaningful to the subject. They also show more depth and feeling to the subject.

 The difference between polar and spherical is that polar is like a planet and spherical is like a a snow glob or a world inside a planet. You have to take different angle pictures for each one, for polar you use horizontal images and spherical use vertical images. Polar you have to turn the merged image upside down and spherical you don't turn it. Polar uses more steps then spherical to make the different images types. If you put a picture of yourself it will look like on the polar you are standing on your planet and with spherical it will look like you are standing in the planet around you.

 I think that my tiny world is convincing because I put a lot of thought into the tiny world of mine. There is also a picture of me on it because it looks like I am the ruler of it. The tiny world I made is convincing because I followed all of the steps as best as I can. Also I think it is convincing because I used the stamp tool in Photoshop to help me make the line that was in the middle less see able. I think that my tiny world is convincing because I used my classmates for help if I needed any. I think that my tiny world it convincing because it has a lot of meaning in it.Another reason I think that my tiny world is convincing because the colors on it shiny bright with the background.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Hockney Style Joiners

  My new GT project is on photomontage and so my class and I have partners and so we take pictures of each other. My photomontage is different from David Hockney's photomontage because he has more experience and I have were little. Also David Hockney has his on type of style in his own way. Mine is using less pictures and David used lots in some of his work. He has different feeling that I might not have. Also David Hockney has done this type of work almost his whole life.

Images can send positive or negative messages from the way you think of the photo. A storm may send a negative message because it's sad that you can't have a beautiful day outside instead of inside. The way the object or subject is placed can send a message of what you see in the picture. In a picture the way the frame looks. Color is also a way of seeing if it is positive or negative. Action can make a photo see positive or negative because of the feeling of the action.

 For my audience to see that I may have had some hard times and some good times in this project. I also want them to see why this project helps me with and for my final I want them to see why the image is very important. The photomontage my message that I try to send is that my picture is positive and a little negative. I wish that in my two photomontages it will inspire other people to keep trying and to try and do the things that you wish to do. A message that I want to send out is to see the different layers in images, even if it's a flat image.