Friday, October 23, 2015

Cracking The Code

 Coding teaches you to think in terms of organization and structure. I think everyone should learn to code because its another way of doing things or writing things. Also its a good tool to use in life. Its a platform to explore creativity. It also is a resource in school or college which you might need for the future.

 The first experience with coding was hard because I had never done it before. When I got better at coding it got so much easier. Also I have so much coding things at my house and now I use it all the time when I have free time or if I'm not at the beach. When I started doing coding I was so confused but as I got better it felt like I had been doing it for so long.  Another experience I had with coding was that I had no idea how to or what to do with it, I would sit there for hours thinking to myself on what or how should I do this.

 The game that I would create with coding which everyone can play. The actors first appear then you try to make them throw things but don't let the other actors items not touch each other. There is a score board at the top of the page. If your actors items touch the other actors you will lose a point and if your actor doesn't touch the other actors then you will win a point. The goal is to get as many points as you can.

Lesson 1 coding

Lesson 3

My Certificate 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Humorous Monoluge

HaegerC_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

In this project I learned how to use iMovie and also to make a folder to organize different parts of my movie. Also I learned how to import my videos into iMovie. Another thing is that I learned how the cameras in my class works and how to use them. One other thing is that I learned to write and make a humorous joke. In this experience it has taught me to use transitions and to finish my work on the due date.

Padding is a tool to help you edit your clips. Padding is important to help the video clips go in the right space. Also it helps because you can organize the clips in order that you want them. One other thing that padding is a other way of  making a trailer or a movie. Also it's a way to help move your clips into different places. Another thing that padding your clips is crucial is it takes a lot of time.

One of my weakness was the darkness because I filmed it at night. Also there was one part that you couldn't hear me. A strength that I had was when I had to make the whole class laugh and when I had to present my joke. The way I improved was to do my best and to ask people in the class room. Another strength I had was when we had to have good audio or clean hearing audio but the wind was in the audio, so thats why my audio didn't sound that good.

This is my joke plan