I think that facial expressions are universal but it is based on what peoples faces appear as and a article written by Paul Ekman and Dacher Keltner about Are facial expression universal. In this article it talks about how and what are facial expressions along with are they universal. There are six different types of emotions happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust. Many people show different emotions or expressions every day. Each expression shows how you are filling and what is happening.
In are new class project which is called Low Poly Portraits we first started with taking our portraits and even on ever side. Our next step was to centre are portraits in photoshop with the layer size. Next we locked are image layer so we couldn't move it and make a mistake. Then we made a line in the middle of are face because we only are doing one side then copying and flipping the copy to make it easier. Final we get to start making triangles and only triangles. You want to outline the side of your face then make triangles with your hair, mouth, eye, nose, ear and skin. Once you are done with that you need to make a copy of your portrait and then you need to use the polygonal lasso tool and trace those triangles on the outside so that you have no gapes. Final you need to flip your image and match those right and left sids together.
During my project of Low Poly I tried to do my best but It was my first time doing this type of work. In my Low poly-1 I really need to work on a lot of things but during my Low Poly-2 I did have some problems but I fixed them and I really think that I did much better then my first Low Poly. My low poly-1 had a lot of work that could have been better but it was my first time doing this, after I knew what I need to work on I really Improved my work and made it look much better even though I had some places that could have been better. In caparison of my Low Poly-1 and my Low Poly-2 I really think that I improved my work by a lot. In both of my Low poly project I really improved my face and facial features in my Low Poly-2 then in my Low Poly-1.